Studio Policies & Disclaimer
It is very important for the health and safety of all studio participants to read and follow studio policies. Please read carefully and ask staff members if you have any questions.
Please clean up your wheel and/or workspace. It should be left as it was when you arrived. Please turn off the pottery wheels, and use large wet sponges to wipe down tables and wheels after every use. Tools are to be cleaned and replaced in their designated homes.
Please CLEARLY MARK personal tools brought into the studio with sharpie markers. Mark your shelf AND ANY CLAY BAGS YOU OWN with your name. ANY UNCLAIMED BAGS OF CLAY WILL BE RECYCLED AT THE END OF EVERY MONTH.
UNSIGNED WORK WILL NOT BE FIRED. ALL WORK MUST HAVE AN IDENTIFYING MARK. UNCLAIMED WORK LEFT FOR MORE THAN 30 DAYS WILL BE TOSSED. Sorry we just don't have the shelf space to accommodate storing work. You are welcome to bring back pieces created at RRCC for additional work or firing.
Clay dust is to be kept at a minimum at all times. No sanding indoors, and no dry trimming on the wheel.
Recycle unwanted clay by placing wet and dry scraps in designated trash cans to be reclaimed.
Bats are for throwing classes and need to remain in the throwing studio. Please clean and scrape bats before stacking for storage. You are welcome to bring in your own personal LABELED bats to keep your work on after your class or studio time. Please do not leave work to dry on studio bats for prolonged periods of time.
Please do not leave your work on tables when leaving the studio. Put all unfinished work on designated shelves.
Please clear any chunks of clay from the sink after cleaning your wheel and tools and dispose of in trash
No Eating in the studio. Benches are available outside to enjoy your food next to the waterfall.
Blow torches are not allowed without express consent from RRCC staff members.
Members and students are not allowed to operate the kilns at RRCC. The Kiln room is for trained staff only.
Loose clothing and long hair are hazards at the pottery wheel. Please tie back long hair and avoid long sleeves and loose jewelry while at the wheels.
Do not touch or move any work that is not your own. Please ask a studio member for assistance in moving stored work on the shelves.
Payment is required when booking. If you have a gift card and would like to use it towards classes, one time classes or special events, email roundrockcommunityclay@gmail.com to redeem.
Be respectful of the shared parking in the shopping center. You can park in any spot labeled tenant parking (the whole lot)
Outside clay bodies and glazes are not to be fired in RRCC’s kilns without express consent from Emily Adams. You will be required to show clear provenance of both clay and glazes to be approved. (the jars of commercial glazes or clay sourcing)
Round Rock Community Clay reserves the right to cancel memberships for lack of payment, failure to abide by member policies, inappropriate behaviors, theft or damages to the studio or equipment without a refund.
Round Rock Community Clay reserves the right to withdraw students from classes at any time for lack of payment, failure to abide by member policies, inappropriate behaviors, theft or damages to the studio or equipment without a refund.
Membership and class pricing are subject to change without notice.